How do you enroll in Molina Healthcare?

Step 1:

To enroll in Molina Healthcare you have to be enrolled in Healthy Connections Medicaid. Your “county eligibility worker” can tell you if you can get Healthy Connections Medicaid benefits (or you can visit

Step 2:

If you are eligible for Healthy Connections Medicaid you will need to contact South Carolina Healthy Connections Choices to choose Molina Healthcare of South Carolina as your health plan. South Carolina Healthy Connections Choices is the program that helps eligible Medicaid members enroll in health plans. You can enroll in a health plan online at You can also call South Carolina Healthy Connections Choices at (877) 552-4642 to enroll by phone. They are available Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., excluding South Carolina state holidays.

Step 3:

You will be enrolled in Molina Healthcare of South Carolina. It may take up to 45 days before you become a Molina Healthcare member.
Signing up a new baby

  • You do not have to sign up your new baby for Molina Healthcare of South Carolina If you are a member of Molina Healthcare of South Carolina when you have your baby, the baby will automatically be enrolled into Molina Healthcare of South Carolina.
  • Your newborn baby will always be covered for the birth month.
  • You can move your baby to another health plan after the baby’s birth month.
  • You can change the baby’s health plan during the baby’s first 3 months of life.